* skarf.js
* Generic JavaScript augmented reality (AR) framework for handling different JavaScript AR libraries in Three.js
* Copyright (C) 2013 Skeel Lee (http://cg.skeelogy.com)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
* @fileOverview Generic JavaScript augmented reality (AR) framework for handling different JavaScript AR libraries in Three.js
* @author Skeel Lee <skeel@skeelogy.com>
* @version 1.0.4
* @example
* //How to setup Skarf
* //create a Skarf instance which uses JSARToolKit (as an example)
* var source = document.getElementById('myVideo');
* var canvasContainerElem = document.getElementById('canvasContainer');
* var camFov = 40.0; //this must be the same value used in the Three.js render cam too
* var skarf = new SKARF.Skarf({
* arLibType: 'jsartoolkit',
* trackingElem: source,
* markerSize: 1,
* verticalFov: camFov, //you can leave this out because JSARToolKit default projection matrix seems to work better for generic web cams
* threshold: 128,
* debug: options.displayDebugView,
* canvasContainerElem: canvasContainerElem,
* renderer: renderer,
* scene: scene,
* camera: camera,
* markersJsonFile: 'models/models_jsartoolkit.json'
* });
* //update on every frame
* skarf.update(dt);
* @example
* //How to use GUI markers
* //in JSON file, define GUI marker
* "32": {
* "name": "Sculpt Amount",
* "key": "sculptAmountSlider",
* "type": "slider",
* "params": {
* "speed": 0.01
* }
* }
* //in your JavaScript, define callback function which will be called when "changed" event happens for the key "sculptAmountSlider" (in the format <em>myKey_myEvent</em>)
* sculptAmountSlider_changed = function (params) {
* //params.delta will give the changed amount that you should add to your variable
* }
* //for a full list of events and params available, please refer to the individual classes in this doc
* @namespace
var SKARF = SKARF || { version: '1.0.4' };
console.log('Using SKARF ' + SKARF.version);
* Factory that creates GuiMarkers
* @namespace
SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory = {
__mappings: {},
* Function to create a SKARF.GuiMarker instance
* @param {string} type Type of GuiMarker to create: 'generic', 'button', 'checkbox', 'slider', 'combobox', 'timer'
* @param {object} options Options
* @param {string} options.key Unique string ID that identifies this GUI marker. This name is used to search for callback functions related to this GUI marker.
* @param {string} options.name Name for this GUI marker
* @param {number} options.markerId ID of the AR marker
* @param {THREE.Object3D} options.markerTransform A transform to hold this GUI marker
* @param {number} options.markerSize Scale of the GUI marker
* @param {object} options.params Additional parameters to customize this GUI marker
create: function (type, options) {
if (!type) {
throw new Error('SKARF.GuiMarker type not specified');
if (!this.__mappings.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
throw new Error('SKARF.GuiMarker of this type has not been registered with SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory: ' + type);
var guiMarker = new this.__mappings[type](options);
return guiMarker;
* Registers a type string to a class
* @param {string} mappingName Name of the mapping which is used to identify the type when creating instances e.g. 'threejs'
* @param {SKARF.GuiMarker} mappingClass GuiMarker class that will be created when the associated type is used
register: function (mappingName, mappingClass) {
if (this.__mappings.hasOwnProperty(mappingName)) {
throw new Error('Mapping name already exists: ' + mappingName);
this.__mappings[mappingName] = mappingClass;
* An augmented reality GUI marker.<br/>
* @constructor
* @abstract
SKARF.GuiMarker = function (options) {
if (typeof options.key === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('key not specified');
this.__key = options.key;
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('name not specified');
this.__name = options.name;
if (typeof options.markerId === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('markerId not specified');
this.__markerId = options.markerId;
if (typeof options.markerTransform === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('markerTransform not specified');
this.__markerTransform = options.markerTransform;
//TODO: determine if markerSize is needed
if (typeof options.markerSize === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('markerSize not specified');
this.__markerSize = options.markerSize;
this.__firstDetected = true;
this.__firstHidden = false;
this.__worldMatrix = null;
//variables for position
this.__position = new THREE.Vector3();
this.__prevPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
this.__dPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
this.__moveThresholdLow = 0.02; //to ignore slight flickerings
this.__moveThresholdHigh = 0.5; //in case axes flip and a large change occurs
//variables for rotation
this.__worldZAxis = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
this.__worldYAxis = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0);
this.__currZAxis = new THREE.Vector3();
this.__rotation = 0;
this.__prevRotation = 0;
this.__dRotation = 0;
this.__rotThresholdLow = 1.0; //to ignore slight flickerings
this.__rotThresholdHigh = 10.0; //in case axes flip and a large change occurs
//callback objects
this.__callbackObjs = {};
this.__callbackObjs['moved'] = {name: this.__key + '_moved', fn: undefined};
this.__callbackObjs['rotated'] = {name: this.__key + '_rotated', fn: undefined};
this.__callbackObjs['firstDetected'] = {name: this.__key + '_firstDetected', fn: undefined};
this.__callbackObjs['firstHidden'] = {name: this.__key + '_firstHidden', fn: undefined};
this.__callbackObjs['detected'] = {name: this.__key + '_detected', fn: undefined};
this.__callbackObjs['hidden'] = {name: this.__key + '_hidden', fn: undefined};
* Call this method when the GUI marker is detected
* @param {number} dt Time elapsed since previous frame
* @param {THREE.Matrix4} worldMatrix World matrix for the marker
SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype.detected = function (dt, worldMatrix) {
//store world matrix first
this.__worldMatrix = worldMatrix;
//get position and rotation
//process callbacks
//turn off firstDetected
this.__firstDetected = false;
//turn on first hidden, for the next hide
this.__firstHidden = true;
SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype.__processPosition = function (worldMatrix) {
//check if marker has moved
var movedDist = this.__dPosition.length();
if (movedDist >= this.__moveThresholdLow && movedDist <= this.__moveThresholdHigh) {
//call the moved callback
this.__invokeCallback('moved', {guiMarker: this, position: this.__position, dPosition: this.__dPosition});
//store the previous position
SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype.__processRotation = function (worldMatrix) {
//NOTE: tried to extract the Euler Y rotation and then take the difference but can't seem to get it to work.
//So I'm finding the angle between local Z and world Z manually
//get the current X axis
this.__currZAxis.getColumnFromMatrix(2, worldMatrix).normalize();
//find the current angle (against world Z)
this.__rotation = THREE.Math.radToDeg(Math.acos(this.__currZAxis.dot(this.__worldZAxis)));
//check cross product against world Y
var orthoAxis = new THREE.Vector3().crossVectors(this.__currZAxis, this.__worldZAxis);
var orthoAngle = orthoAxis.dot(this.__worldYAxis);
if (orthoAngle < 0) { //opposite side
this.__rotation = 360 - this.__rotation;
this.__dRotation = this.__rotation - this.__prevRotation;
var absDRot = Math.abs(this.__dRotation);
if (!isNaN(this.__dRotation) && absDRot >= this.__rotThresholdLow && absDRot <= this.__rotThresholdHigh) {
this.__invokeCallback('rotated', {guiMarker: this, rotation: this.__rotation, dRotation: this.__dRotation});
//store prev rotation
this.__prevRotation = this.__rotation;
SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype.__processCallbacks = function () {
//call detected callback
this.__invokeCallback('detected', {guiMarker: this, worldMatrix: this.__worldMatrix, position: this.__position, rotation: this.__rotation});
//call firstDetected callback
if (this.__firstDetected) {
this.__invokeCallback('firstDetected', {guiMarker: this, worldMatrix: this.__worldMatrix, position: this.__position, rotation: this.__rotation});
* Call this method when the marker has been hidden
SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype.hidden = function () {
//turn on firstDetected, for the next detection
this.__firstDetected = true;
//call firstHidden callback
if (this.__firstHidden) {
this.__invokeCallback('firstHidden', {guiMarker: this});
this.__firstHidden = false;
//call hidden callback
this.__invokeCallback('hidden', {guiMarker: this});
SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype.__invokeCallback = function (type, options) {
var callbackObj = this.__callbackObjs[type];
//if callback function has not been eval'ed, do it first
if (typeof callbackObj.fn === 'undefined') {
try {
callbackObj.fn = eval(callbackObj.name);
} catch (err) {
callbackObj.fn = null;
//call the callback function if it exists
if (callbackObj.fn) {
callbackObj.fn.call(this, options);
* Generic SKARF.GuiMarker<br/>
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory GuiMarkerFactory} instead.</strong>
* <p>
* GUI markers work via event callbacks. Users should define callback functions in their JavaScript which matches this format: <em>myKey_myCallbackType</em>.
* For example, if you have a GUI marker with key of "sculptAmountSlider" (defined in JSON file) and you want it to react to the "changed" event, create a function named "sculptAmountSlider_changed" i.e.
* <blockquote><tt>sculptAmountSlider_changed = function (params) { ... }</tt></blockquote>
* The <tt>params</tt> argument will contain necessary data for that particular event. In the example above, <tt>params.delta</tt> will give the change in rotation since previous frame.
* </p>
* <p>
* Inherited events from SKARF.GuiMarker:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>moved:</strong> invoked when marker is moved</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.dPosition: change in position since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>rotated:</strong> invoked when marker is rotated</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* <li>params.dRotation: change in rotation since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>detected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstDetected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>hidden()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>hidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstHidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>detected()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.GuiMarker}
SKARF.GenericMarker = function (options) {
SKARF.GuiMarker.call(this, options);
SKARF.GenericMarker.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype);
SKARF.GenericMarker.prototype.constructor = SKARF.GenericMarker;
//register with factory
SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory.register('generic', SKARF.GenericMarker);
* SKARF.GuiMarker that activates once until the marker is next shown<br/>
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory GuiMarkerFactory} instead.</strong>
* <p>
* GUI markers work via event callbacks. Users should define callback functions in their JavaScript which matches this format: <em>myKey_myCallbackType</em>.
* For example, if you have a GUI marker with key of "sculptAmountSlider" (defined in JSON file) and you want it to react to the "changed" event, create a function named "sculptAmountSlider_changed" i.e.
* <blockquote><tt>sculptAmountSlider_changed = function (params) { ... }</tt></blockquote>
* The <tt>params</tt> argument will contain necessary data for that particular event. In the example above, <tt>params.delta</tt> will give the change in rotation since previous frame.
* </p>
* <p>
* Available events:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>clicked:</strong> invoked once when marker is shown</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Inherited events from SKARF.GuiMarker:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>moved:</strong> invoked when marker is moved</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.dPosition: change in position since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>rotated:</strong> invoked when marker is rotated</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* <li>params.dRotation: change in rotation since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>detected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstDetected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>hidden()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>hidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstHidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>detected()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.GuiMarker}
SKARF.ButtonMarker = function (options) {
SKARF.GuiMarker.call(this, options);
this.__callbackObjs['clicked'] = {name: this.__key + '_clicked', fn: undefined};
SKARF.ButtonMarker.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype);
SKARF.ButtonMarker.prototype.constructor = SKARF.ButtonMarker;
//register with factory
SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory.register('button', SKARF.ButtonMarker);
SKARF.ButtonMarker.prototype.__processCallbacks = function () {
if (this.__firstDetected) {
this.__invokeCallback('clicked', {guiMarker: this});
* SKARF.GuiMarker that toggles an on/off state once until the marker is next shown<br/>
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory GuiMarkerFactory} instead.</strong>
* <p>
* GUI markers work via event callbacks. Users should define callback functions in their JavaScript which matches this format: <em>myKey_myCallbackType</em>.
* For example, if you have a GUI marker with key of "sculptAmountSlider" (defined in JSON file) and you want it to react to the "changed" event, create a function named "sculptAmountSlider_changed" i.e.
* <blockquote><tt>sculptAmountSlider_changed = function (params) { ... }</tt></blockquote>
* The <tt>params</tt> argument will contain necessary data for that particular event. In the example above, <tt>params.delta</tt> will give the change in rotation since previous frame.
* </p>
* <p>
* Available events:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>toggled:</strong> invoked once when marker is shown</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.checked: whether the "checkbox" is checked</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Inherited events from SKARF.GuiMarker:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>moved:</strong> invoked when marker is moved</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.dPosition: change in position since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>rotated:</strong> invoked when marker is rotated</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* <li>params.dRotation: change in rotation since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>detected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstDetected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>hidden()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>hidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstHidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>detected()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.GuiMarker}
SKARF.CheckBoxMarker = function (options) {
SKARF.GuiMarker.call(this, options);
this.__callbackObjs['toggled'] = {name: this.__key + '_toggled', fn: undefined};
this.__checked = false;
SKARF.CheckBoxMarker.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype);
SKARF.CheckBoxMarker.prototype.constructor = SKARF.CheckBoxMarker;
//register with factory
SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory.register('checkbox', SKARF.CheckBoxMarker);
SKARF.CheckBoxMarker.prototype.__processCallbacks = function () {
if (this.__firstDetected) {
this.__checked = !this.__checked;
this.__invokeCallback('toggled', {guiMarker: this, checked: this.__checked});
* SKARF.GuiMarker that emulates an attribute-changing slider by rotating<br/>
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory GuiMarkerFactory} instead.</strong>
* <p>
* GUI markers work via event callbacks. Users should define callback functions in their JavaScript which matches this format: <em>myKey_myCallbackType</em>.
* For example, if you have a GUI marker with key of "sculptAmountSlider" (defined in JSON file) and you want it to react to the "changed" event, create a function named "sculptAmountSlider_changed" i.e.
* <blockquote><tt>sculptAmountSlider_changed = function (params) { ... }</tt></blockquote>
* The <tt>params</tt> argument will contain necessary data for that particular event. In the example above, <tt>params.delta</tt> will give the change in rotation since previous frame.
* </p>
* <p>
* Available events:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>changed:</strong> invoked when marker is rotated</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.delta: change in rotation since previous frame, multiplied by the "speed" parameter defined in JSON file</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Available parameter in JSON file:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>speed:</strong> multiplier to change in rotation (defaults to 1.0)</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Inherited events from SKARF.GuiMarker:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>moved:</strong> invoked when marker is moved</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.dPosition: change in position since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>rotated:</strong> invoked when marker is rotated</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* <li>params.dRotation: change in rotation since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>detected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstDetected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>hidden()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>hidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstHidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>detected()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.GuiMarker}
SKARF.SliderMarker = function (options) {
SKARF.GuiMarker.call(this, options);
this.__speed = options.params && options.params.speed ? options.params.speed : 1.0;
this.__callbackObjs['changed'] = {name: this.__key + '_changed', fn: undefined};
SKARF.SliderMarker.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype);
SKARF.SliderMarker.prototype.constructor = SKARF.SliderMarker;
//register with factory
SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory.register('slider', SKARF.SliderMarker);
SKARF.SliderMarker.prototype.__processCallbacks = function () {
var absDRot = Math.abs(this.__dRotation);
if (!isNaN(this.__dRotation) && absDRot >= this.__rotThresholdLow && absDRot <= this.__rotThresholdHigh) {
this.__invokeCallback('changed', {guiMarker: this, delta: this.__dRotation * this.__speed});
* SKARF.GuiMarker that emulates a combo box. Selection is based on orientation of marker.<br/>
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory GuiMarkerFactory} instead.</strong>
* <p>
* GUI markers work via event callbacks. Users should define callback functions in their JavaScript which matches this format: <em>myKey_myCallbackType</em>.
* For example, if you have a GUI marker with key of "sculptAmountSlider" (defined in JSON file) and you want it to react to the "changed" event, create a function named "sculptAmountSlider_changed" i.e.
* <blockquote><tt>sculptAmountSlider_changed = function (params) { ... }</tt></blockquote>
* The <tt>params</tt> argument will contain necessary data for that particular event. In the example above, <tt>params.delta</tt> will give the change in rotation since previous frame.
* </p>
* <p>
* Available events:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>changed</strong></li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.selectedId: 0-based numeric ID of selection</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Available parameter in JSON file:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>numChoices:</strong> total number of choices for the combo box (compulsory)</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Inherited events from SKARF.GuiMarker:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>moved:</strong> invoked when marker is moved</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.dPosition: change in position since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>rotated:</strong> invoked when marker is rotated</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* <li>params.dRotation: change in rotation since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>detected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstDetected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>hidden()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>hidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstHidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>detected()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.GuiMarker}
SKARF.ComboBoxMarker = function (options) {
SKARF.GuiMarker.call(this, options);
this.__callbackObjs['changed'] = {name: this.__key + '_changed', fn: undefined};
if (!(options.params && options.params.numChoices)) {
throw new Error('numChoices not specified as a parameter');
this.__numChoices = options.params.numChoices;
this.__currId = 0;
SKARF.ComboBoxMarker.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype);
SKARF.ComboBoxMarker.prototype.constructor = SKARF.ComboBoxMarker;
//register with factory
SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory.register('combobox', SKARF.ComboBoxMarker);
SKARF.ComboBoxMarker.prototype.__processCallbacks = function () {
var newId = Math.floor(this.__rotation / 360.0 * this.__numChoices);
if (newId !== this.__currId) {
this.__invokeCallback('changed', {guiMarker: this, selectedId: newId, rotation: this.__rotation});
this.__currId = newId;
* SKARF.GuiMarker that activates after a certain amount of time<br/>
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory GuiMarkerFactory} instead.</strong>
* <p>
* GUI markers work via event callbacks. Users should define callback functions in their JavaScript which matches this format: <em>myKey_myCallbackType</em>.
* For example, if you have a GUI marker with key of "sculptAmountSlider" (defined in JSON file) and you want it to react to the "changed" event, create a function named "sculptAmountSlider_changed" i.e.
* <blockquote><tt>sculptAmountSlider_changed = function (params) { ... }</tt></blockquote>
* The <tt>params</tt> argument will contain necessary data for that particular event. In the example above, <tt>params.delta</tt> will give the change in rotation since previous frame.
* </p>
* <p>
* Available events:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>reached:</strong> invoked when timer has reached specified time</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Available parameter in JSON file:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>time:</strong> duration of timer (defaults to 2.0) </li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Inherited events from SKARF.GuiMarker:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li><strong>moved:</strong> invoked when marker is moved</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.dPosition: change in position since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>rotated:</strong> invoked when marker is rotated</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* <li>params.dRotation: change in rotation since previous frame</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>detected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstDetected:</strong> invoked when the <tt>detected()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>hidden()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* <li>params.worldMatrix: world matrix of the marker solve</li>
* <li>params.position: current world position</li>
* <li>params.rotation: current world rotation</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>hidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is called</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* <li><strong>firstHidden:</strong> invoked when the <tt>hidden()</tt> method is first called since last <tt>detected()</tt> call</li>
* <ul>
* <li>params.guiMarker: this instance</li>
* </ul>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.GuiMarker}
SKARF.TimerMarker = function (options) {
SKARF.GuiMarker.call(this, options);
this.__callbackObjs['reached'] = {name: this.__key + '_reached', fn: undefined};
this.__time = (options.params && options.params.time) || 2.0;
this.__currTime = 0;
this.__reached = false;
SKARF.TimerMarker.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype);
SKARF.TimerMarker.prototype.constructor = SKARF.TimerMarker;
//register with factory
SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory.register('timer', SKARF.TimerMarker);
* Call this method when the GUI marker is detected
* @param {number} dt Time elapsed since previous frame
* @param {THREE.Matrix4} worldMatrix World matrix for the marker
SKARF.TimerMarker.prototype.detected = function (dt, worldMatrix) {
SKARF.GuiMarker.prototype.detected.call(this, dt, worldMatrix);
this.__currTime += dt;
if (!this.__reached && this.__currTime >= this.__time) {
this.__reached = true;
this.__invokeCallback('reached', {guiMarker: this});
* Call this method when the marker has been hidden
SKARF.TimerMarker.prototype.hidden = function () {
//reset if marker disappears
this.__currTime = 0;
this.__reached = false;
SKARF.TimerMarker.prototype.resetTimer = function () {
this.__currTime = 0;
* Factory which creates ModelLoaders
* @namespace
SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory = {
__mappings: {},
* Function to create a SKARF.ModelLoader instance
* @param {string} type Type of ModelLoader to create: 'empty', 'json', 'json_bin', 'obj'
create: function (type) {
if (!type) {
throw new Error('Model type not specified');
if (!this.__mappings.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
throw new Error('SKARF.ModelLoader of this type has not been registered with SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory: ' + type);
var loader = new this.__mappings[type]();
return loader;
* Registers a type string to a class
* @param {string} mappingName Name of the mapping which is used to identify the type when creating instances e.g. 'threejs'
* @param {SKARF.ModelLoader} mappingClass ModelLoader class that will be created when the associated type is used
register: function (mappingName, mappingClass) {
if (this.__mappings.hasOwnProperty(mappingName)) {
throw new Error('Mapping name already exists: ' + mappingName);
this.__mappings[mappingName] = mappingClass;
* Abstract class for model loaders
* @constructor
* @abstract
SKARF.ModelLoader = function () {
this.__loader = null;
* Loads model for marker
* @abstract
* @param {object} model Data containing the model info (from JSON file)
* @param {number} markerId ID of marker to laod
* @param {THREE.Object3D} markerTransform Transform to parent to after model has loaded
* @param {number} overallScale Overall scale
* @param {boolean} isWireframeVisible Whether to initialize the wireframe mode to true
* @param {SKARF.MarkerManager} markerManager Instance of MarkerManager
SKARF.ModelLoader.prototype.loadForMarker = function (model, markerId, markerTransform, overallScale, isWireframeVisible, markerManager) {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
* Transforms and parents a model onto a transform
* @param {object} model Data containing the model info (from JSON file)
* @param {THREE.Mesh} object Mesh to parent
* @param {THREE.Object3D} markerTransform Transform to parent to
* @param {number} overallScale Overall scale
* @param {SKARF.MarkerManager} markerManager Instance of MarkerManager
SKARF.ModelLoader.prototype.transformAndParent = function (model, obj, markerTransform, overallScale, markerManager) {
if (obj) {
obj.traverse(function (object) {
if (object instanceof THREE.Mesh) {
//store the model data into the geometry
object.geometry.__jsonData = model;
//accumulate transformations into matrix
var m = new THREE.Matrix4();
if (model.translate) {
m.setPosition(new THREE.Vector3(model.translate[0], model.translate[1], model.translate[2]));
if (model.rotate) {
var rotationMat = new THREE.Matrix4();
var rotationVector = new THREE.Vector3(THREE.Math.degToRad(model.rotate[0]), THREE.Math.degToRad(model.rotate[1]), THREE.Math.degToRad(model.rotate[2]));
var rotationOrder = model.rotationOrder || 'XYZ';
rotationMat.makeRotationFromEuler(rotationVector, model.rotationOrder);
if (model.scale) {
m.scale(new THREE.Vector3(model.scale[0] * overallScale, model.scale[1] * overallScale, model.scale[2] * overallScale));
//bake transforms into geometry
//store the material in markerManager
//compute bounding box
//also set objects to cast shadows
object.castShadow = true;
object.receiveShadow = true;
* Model loader which contains no models<br/>
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory ModelLoaderFactory} instead.</strong>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.ModelLoader}
SKARF.EmptyModelLoader = function () {
this.__loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
console.log('Created a SKARF.EmptyModelLoader');
//inherit from SKARF.ModelLoader
SKARF.EmptyModelLoader.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.ModelLoader.prototype);
SKARF.EmptyModelLoader.prototype.constructor = SKARF.EmptyModelLoader;
//register with factory
SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory.register('empty', SKARF.EmptyModelLoader);
//override methods
* Loads model for marker
* @param {object} model Data containing the model info (from JSON file)
* @param {number} markerId ID of marker to laod
* @param {THREE.Object3D} markerTransform Transform to parent to after model has loaded
* @param {number} overallScale Overall scale
* @param {boolean} isWireframeVisible Whether to initialize the wireframe mode to true
* @param {SKARF.MarkerManager} markerManager Instance of MarkerManager
SKARF.EmptyModelLoader.prototype.loadForMarker = function (model, markerId, markerTransform, overallScale, isWireframeVisible, markerManager) {
//TODO: time how long it takes to load
//bake transformations into vertices
this.transformAndParent(model, null, markerTransform, overallScale, markerManager);
console.log('Loaded empty transform for marker id ' + markerId);
* Model loader which contains Three.js JSON model data
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory ModelLoaderFactory} instead.</strong>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.ModelLoader}
SKARF.JsonModelLoader = function () {
this.__loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
console.log('Created a SKARF.JsonModelLoader');
//inherit from SKARF.ModelLoader
SKARF.JsonModelLoader.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.ModelLoader.prototype);
SKARF.JsonModelLoader.prototype.constructor = SKARF.JsonModelLoader;
//register with factory
SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory.register('json', SKARF.JsonModelLoader);
//override methods
* Loads model for marker
* @param {object} model Data containing the model info (from JSON file)
* @param {number} markerId ID of marker to laod
* @param {THREE.Object3D} markerTransform Transform to parent to after model has loaded
* @param {number} overallScale Overall scale
* @param {boolean} isWireframeVisible Whether to initialize the wireframe mode to true
* @param {SKARF.MarkerManager} markerManager Instance of MarkerManager
SKARF.JsonModelLoader.prototype.loadForMarker = function (model, markerId, markerTransform, overallScale, isWireframeVisible, markerManager) {
//TODO: time how long it takes to load
var that = this;
this.__loader.load(model.url, function (geometry, materials) {
//set wireframe visibility
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = materials.length; i < len; i++) {
materials[i].wireframe = isWireframeVisible;
//create mesh
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(materials));
//bake transformations into vertices
that.transformAndParent(model, mesh, markerTransform, overallScale, markerManager);
console.log('Loaded mesh ' + model.url + ' for marker id ' + markerId);
* Model loader which contains Three.js JSON binary models
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory ModelLoaderFactory} instead.</strong>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.ModelLoader}
SKARF.JsonBinaryModelLoader = function () {
if (typeof THREE.BinaryLoader === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('THREE.BinaryLoader does not exist. Have you included BinaryLoader.js?');
this.__loader = new THREE.BinaryLoader();
console.log('Created a SKARF.JsonBinaryModelLoader');
//inherit from SKARF.JsonModelLoader
SKARF.JsonBinaryModelLoader.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.JsonModelLoader.prototype);
SKARF.JsonBinaryModelLoader.prototype.constructor = SKARF.JsonBinaryModelLoader;
//register with factory
SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory.register('json_bin', SKARF.JsonBinaryModelLoader);
* Model loader which contains OBJ models
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory ModelLoaderFactory} instead.</strong>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.ModelLoader}
SKARF.ObjModelLoader = function () {
if (typeof THREE.OBJMTLLoader === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('THREE.OBJMTLLoader does not exist. Have you included OBJMTLLoader.js and MTLLoader.js?');
this.__loader = new THREE.OBJMTLLoader();
console.log('Created a SKARF.ObjModelLoader');
//register an event listener
var that = this;
this.__loader.addEventListener('load', function (event) {
var object = event.content; //this ia a THREE.Object3D
//set wireframe visibility
var child, grandChild;
var i, j, leni, lenj;
for (i = 0, leni = object.children.length; i < leni; i++) {
child = object.children[i];
for (j = 0, lenj = child.children.length; j < lenj; j++) {
grandChild = child.children[j];
if (grandChild instanceof THREE.Mesh) {
grandChild.material.wireframe = that.__isWireframeVisible;
//transform and parent
that.transformAndParent(that.__model, object, that.__markerTransform, that.__overallScale, that.__markerManager);
console.log('Loaded mesh ' + that.__model.url + ' for marker id ' + that.__markerId);
//inherit from SKARF.ModelLoader
SKARF.ObjModelLoader.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.ModelLoader.prototype);
SKARF.ObjModelLoader.prototype.constructor = SKARF.ObjModelLoader;
//register with factory
SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory.register('obj', SKARF.ObjModelLoader);
//override methods
* Loads model for marker
* @param {object} model Data containing the model info (from JSON file)
* @param {number} markerId ID of marker to laod
* @param {THREE.Object3D} markerTransform Transform to parent to after model has loaded
* @param {number} overallScale Overall scale
* @param {boolean} isWireframeVisible Whether to initialize the wireframe mode to true
* @param {SKARF.MarkerManager} markerManager Instance of MarkerManager
SKARF.ObjModelLoader.prototype.loadForMarker = function (model, markerId, markerTransform, overallScale, isWireframeVisible, markerManager) {
//store variables in the instance since there seems to be no way to pass to loader.load (TODO: verify this)
this.__model = model;
this.__markerId = markerId;
this.__markerTransform = markerTransform;
this.__overallScale = overallScale;
this.__isWireframeVisible = isWireframeVisible;
this.__markerManager = markerManager;
//call load()
var mtlFile = model.url.replace(/\.obj/g, '.mtl'); //assume mtl file has same base name as .obj
this.__loader.load(model.url, mtlFile);
* Manager to manage markers, both for models and GuiMarkers
* @constructor
SKARF.MarkerManager = function (markersJsonFile) {
this.__markersJsonFile = markersJsonFile;
this.__markerData = null;
this.__modelLoaders = {};
this.__materials = [];
SKARF.MarkerManager.prototype.__load = function () {
console.log('Loading markers json file: ' + this.__markersJsonFile);
//load the JSON file
var that = this;
url: this.__markersJsonFile,
dataType: 'JSON',
async: false
}).done(function (data) {
that.__markerData = data;
console.log('Loaded ' + that.__markersJsonFile);
console.log('Main marker id: ' + that.__markerData.mainMarkerId);
}).error(function (xhr, textStatus, error) {
throw new Error('error loading ' + this.__markersJsonFile + ': ' + error);
* Loads model for marker
* @param {number} markerId ID of marker to load
* @param {THREE.Object3D} markerTransform Transform to parent to after model has loaded
* @param {number} markerSize Size of marker
* @param {boolean} isWireframeVisible Whether to initialize the wireframe mode to true
SKARF.MarkerManager.prototype.loadForMarker = function (markerId, markerTransform, markerSize, isWireframeVisible) {
markerSize = markerSize || 1.0;
//two types of markers to load:
if (this.__markerData.models && this.__markerData.models[markerId]) {
//1) models
var model = this.__markerData.models[markerId];
if (model) {
var type = model.type;
if (!this.__modelLoaders.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
//create a loader using SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory
this.__modelLoaders[type] = SKARF.ModelLoaderFactory.create(type);
this.__modelLoaders[type].loadForMarker(model, markerId, markerTransform, markerSize, isWireframeVisible, this);
} else if (this.__markerData.guiMarkers && this.__markerData.guiMarkers[markerId]) {
//2) GUI markers
var guiMarker = this.__markerData.guiMarkers[markerId];
if (guiMarker) {
var type = guiMarker.type;
guiMarker = SKARF.GuiMarkerFactory.create(type, {
name: guiMarker.name,
key: guiMarker.key,
markerId: markerId,
markerTransform: markerTransform,
markerSize: markerSize,
params: guiMarker.params
markerTransform.guiMarker = guiMarker;
} else {
console.warn('Unable to find data for marker id ' + markerId);
// I'm going to use a glMatrix-style matrix as an intermediary.
// So the first step is to create a function to convert a glMatrix matrix into a Three.js Matrix4.
THREE.Matrix4.prototype.setFromArray = function (m) {
return this.set(
m[0], m[4], m[8], m[12],
m[1], m[5], m[9], m[13],
m[2], m[6], m[10], m[14],
m[3], m[7], m[11], m[15]
function copyMarkerMatrix(arMat, glMat) {
glMat[0] = arMat.m00;
glMat[1] = -arMat.m10;
glMat[2] = arMat.m20;
glMat[3] = 0;
glMat[4] = arMat.m01;
glMat[5] = -arMat.m11;
glMat[6] = arMat.m21;
glMat[7] = 0;
glMat[8] = -arMat.m02;
glMat[9] = arMat.m12;
glMat[10] = -arMat.m22;
glMat[11] = 0;
glMat[12] = arMat.m03;
glMat[13] = -arMat.m13;
glMat[14] = arMat.m23;
glMat[15] = 1;
* Factory which creates SKARF.ArLibs<br/>
* <strong>NOTE: This is meant for internal usage only as the created instance needs some manual variable assignments and initializations before they are usable. These are done internally by a {@linkcode SKARF.Skarf Skarf} instance.</strong>
* @namespace
SKARF.ArLibFactory = {
__mappings: {},
* Function to create a SKARF.ArLib instance
* @param {string} type Type of ArLib to create: 'jsartoolkit', 'jsaruco'
* @param {object} options Options
* @param {canvas} options.trackingElem Canvas DOM element used for tracking
* @param {number} options.markerSize Size of marker in mm, determines scale of scene
* @param {number} options.mainMarkerId ID of main marker
* @param {number} [options.verticalFov] Vertical field-of-view of web cam (you will have to estimate this). If this is not defined, it will use use some default field-of-view which works in general for web cams.
* @param {number} [options.threshold=128] Threshold value for turning tracking stream into a binary image. Ranges from 0 to 255. Used only for JSARToolKit.
* @param {boolean} [options.debug=false] Whether to turn on debug view/mode
create: function (type, options) {
if (!type) {
throw new Error('SKARF.ArLib type not specified');
if (!this.__mappings.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
throw new Error('SKARF.ArLib of this type has not been registered with SKARF.ArLibFactory: ' + type);
var arLib = new this.__mappings[type](options);
return arLib;
* Registers a type string to a class
* @param {string} mappingName Name of the mapping which is used to identify the type when creating instances e.g. 'jsartoolkit'
* @param {SKARF.ArLib} mappingClass ArLib class that will be created when the associated type is used
register: function (mappingName, mappingClass) {
if (this.__mappings.hasOwnProperty(mappingName)) {
throw new Error('Mapping name already exists: ' + mappingName);
this.__mappings[mappingName] = mappingClass;
* Abstract class for ArLibs
* @constructor
* @abstract
SKARF.ArLib = function (options) {
if (typeof options.trackingElem === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('trackingElem not specified');
this.__trackingElem = options.trackingElem;
if (typeof options.markerSize === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('markerSize not specified');
this.__markerSize = options.markerSize;
this.__verticalFov = options.verticalFov;
if (typeof options.mainMarkerId === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('mainMarkerId not specified');
this.__mainMarkerId = options.mainMarkerId;
this.__debug = (typeof options.debug === 'undefined') ? false : options.debug;
this.__compensationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
this.__mainMarkerHasEverBeenDetected = false;
//temp matrix for calculations later
this.__tmpMat = new THREE.Matrix4();
//variables to be assigned by skarf
this.__canvasElem = null;
this.__renderer = null;
this.__markers = {}; //this is just to keep track if a certain marker id has been seen
* Gets debug value
* @returns {boolean} Debug value
SKARF.ArLib.prototype.getDebug = function () {
return this.__debug;
* Sets debug value
* @param {boolean} value Debug value to set to
SKARF.ArLib.prototype.setDebug = function (value) {
this.__debug = value;
* Initializes the instance
* @abstract
SKARF.ArLib.prototype.init = function () {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
* Updates the instance
* @abstract
* @param {number} dt Time elapsed since previous frame
SKARF.ArLib.prototype.update = function (dt) {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
* ArLib class for JSARToolKit.<br/>
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.ArLibFactory ArLibFactory} instead.</strong>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.ArLib}
SKARF.JsArToolKitArLib = function (options) {
SKARF.ArLib.call(this, options);
this.__threshold = options.threshold || 128;
this.__compensationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(1, 1, -1); //scale in -z to swap from LH-coord to RH-coord
this.__compensationMatrix.multiply(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX(THREE.Math.degToRad(90))); //rotate 90deg in X to get Y-up;
//store some temp variables
this.__resultMat = new NyARTransMatResult();
this.__tmp = {};
//inherit from SKARF.ArLib
SKARF.JsArToolKitArLib.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.ArLib.prototype);
SKARF.JsArToolKitArLib.prototype.constructor = SKARF.JsArToolKitArLib;
//register with factory
SKARF.ArLibFactory.register('jsartoolkit', SKARF.JsArToolKitArLib);
//override methods
* Gets threshold value
* @returns {number} Threshold value
SKARF.JsArToolKitArLib.prototype.getThreshold = function () {
return this.__threshold;
* Sets threshold value
* @param {number} value Threshold value to set to
SKARF.JsArToolKitArLib.prototype.setThreshold = function (value) {
this.__threshold = value;
* Initializes the instance
SKARF.JsArToolKitArLib.prototype.init = function () {
//required by JSARToolKit to show the debug canvas
DEBUG = this.__debug;
// Create a RGB raster object for the 2D canvas.
// JSARToolKit uses raster objects to read image data.
// Note that you need to set canvas.changed = true on every frame.
this.__raster = new NyARRgbRaster_Canvas2D(this.__canvasElem);
// FLARParam is the thing used by FLARToolKit to set camera parameters.
this.__flarParam = new FLARParam(this.__canvasElem.width, this.__canvasElem.height, this.__verticalFov);
// The FLARMultiIdMarkerDetector is the actual detection engine for marker detection.
// It detects multiple ID markers. ID markers are special markers that encode a number.
this.__detector = new FLARMultiIdMarkerDetector(this.__flarParam, this.__markerSize);
// For tracking video set continue mode to true. In continue mode, the detector
// tracks markers across multiple frames.
//set the camera projection matrix in the renderer
* Initializes the camera projection matrix.
* This is called automatically during initialization. Call this function only if you need to re-initialize the camera projection matrix again.
SKARF.JsArToolKitArLib.prototype.initCameraProjMatrix = function () {
var camProjMatrixArray = new Float32Array(16);
this.__flarParam.copyCameraMatrix(camProjMatrixArray, 0.1, 10000);
* Updates the instance
* @param {number} dt Elapsed time since previous frame
SKARF.JsArToolKitArLib.prototype.update = function (dt) {
DEBUG = this.__debug;
//set all markers detected to false first
var keys = Object.keys(this.__markers);
var i, j;
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
this.__renderer.__setMarkerDetected(keys[i], false);
// Do marker detection by using the detector object on the raster object.
// The threshold parameter determines the threshold value
// for turning the video frame into a 1-bit black-and-white image.
//OTHERWISE WILL GET AN "Uncaught #<Object>" ERROR
var markerCount = this.__detector.detectMarkerLite(this.__raster, this.__threshold);
// Go through the detected markers and get their IDs and transformation matrices.
var id, currId;
for (i = 0; i < markerCount; i++) {
// Get the ID marker data for the current marker.
// ID markers are special kind of markers that encode a number.
// The bytes for the number are in the ID marker data.
id = this.__detector.getIdMarkerData(i);
// Read bytes from the id packet.
currId = -1;
// This code handles only 32-bit numbers or shorter.
if (id.packetLength <= 4) {
currId = 0;
for (j = 0; j < id.packetLength; j++) {
currId = (currId << 8) | id.getPacketData(j);
// If this is a new id, let's start tracking it.
if (typeof this.__markers[currId] === 'undefined') {
//create empty object for the marker
this.__markers[currId] = {};
//create a transform for this marker
var transform = this.__renderer.__createTransformForMarker(currId, this.__markerSize);
//delay-load the model
this.__renderer.loadForMarker(currId, transform, this.__markerSize);
//if this is the main marker id, turn on flag
if (currId == this.__mainMarkerId) { //double equals for auto type conversion
this.__mainMarkerHasEverBeenDetected = true;
try {
// Get the transformation matrix for the detected marker.
this.__detector.getTransformMatrix(i, this.__resultMat);
// Copy the marker matrix to the tmp matrix.
copyMarkerMatrix(this.__resultMat, this.__tmp);
//store the current solved matrix first
this.__renderer.__setCurrSolvedMatrixValues(currId, this.__tmpMat);
//register that this marker has been detected
this.__renderer.__setMarkerDetected(currId, true);
} catch (err) {
//just print to console but let the error pass so that the program can continue
//update the solved scene
this.__renderer.__updateSolvedScene(dt, this.__mainMarkerId);
* ArLib class for js-aruco.<br/>
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.ArLibFactory ArLibFactory} instead.</strong>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.ArLib}
SKARF.JsArucoArLib = function (options) {
SKARF.ArLib.call(this, options);
//inherit from SKARF.ArLib
SKARF.JsArucoArLib.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.ArLib.prototype);
SKARF.JsArucoArLib.prototype.constructor = SKARF.JsArucoArLib;
//register with factory
SKARF.ArLibFactory.register('jsaruco', SKARF.JsArucoArLib);
//override methods
* Initializes the instance
SKARF.JsArucoArLib.prototype.init = function () {
this.__detector = new AR.Detector();
//NOTE: the second parameter is suppose to be canvasWidth (from the js-aruco example).
//However, it cannot work when I change the aspect ratio of the tracking canvas.
//It seems as though the tracking canvas must be 4:3, so I'm doing some compensation here to allow any aspect ratio.
this.__posit = new POS.Posit(this.__markerSize, this.__canvasElem.height * 4.0 / 3.0);
this.__context = this.__canvasElem.getContext('2d');
* Updates the instance
* @param {number} dt Elapsed time since previous frame
SKARF.JsArucoArLib.prototype.update = function (dt) {
var imageData = this.__context.getImageData(0, 0, this.__canvasElem.width, this.__canvasElem.height);
var markers = this.__detector.detect(imageData);
if (this.__debug) {
//update scene
this.__updateScenes(dt, markers);
SKARF.JsArucoArLib.prototype.__updateScenes = function (dt, markers) {
var corners, corner, pose, markerId;
//set all markers detected to false first
var keys = Object.keys(this.__markers);
var i, j;
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
this.__renderer.__setMarkerDetected(keys[i], false);
for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
markerId = markers[i].id;
corners = markers[i].corners;
// If this is a new id, let's start tracking it.
if (typeof this.__markers[markerId] === 'undefined') {
console.log('Creating new marker root for id ' + markerId);
//create empty object for the marker
this.__markers[markerId] = {};
//create a transform for this marker
var transform = this.__renderer.__createTransformForMarker(markerId, this.__markerSize);
//delay-load the model
this.__renderer.loadForMarker(markerId, transform, this.__markerSize);
//if this is the main marker id, turn on flag
if (markerId == this.__mainMarkerId) { //double equals for auto type conversion
this.__mainMarkerHasEverBeenDetected = true;
//align corners to center of canvas
for (j = 0; j < corners.length; j++) {
corner = corners[j];
//NOTE: there seems to be some scale away from the center, so I have to scale everything down from the center.
//The value of 0.97 is by trial-and-error, seems to work pretty well.
corner.x = 0.97 * (corner.x - (this.__canvasElem.width / 2));
corner.y = 0.97 * ((this.__canvasElem.height / 2) - corner.y);
//estimate pose
try {
pose = this.__posit.pose(corners);
//store the current solved matrix first
this.__updateMatrix4FromRotAndTrans(pose.bestRotation, pose.bestTranslation);
this.__tmpMat.multiply(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX(THREE.Math.degToRad(90)));
this.__renderer.__setCurrSolvedMatrixValues(markerId, this.__tmpMat);
//register that this marker has been detected
this.__renderer.__setMarkerDetected(markerId, true);
} catch (err) {
//just print to console but let the error pass so that the program can continue
//update the solved scene
this.__renderer.__updateSolvedScene(dt, this.__mainMarkerId);
SKARF.JsArucoArLib.prototype.__updateMatrix4FromRotAndTrans = function (rotationMat, translationVec) {
rotationMat[0][0], rotationMat[0][1], -rotationMat[0][2], translationVec[0],
rotationMat[1][0], rotationMat[1][1], -rotationMat[1][2], translationVec[1],
-rotationMat[2][0], -rotationMat[2][1], rotationMat[2][2], -translationVec[2],
0, 0, 0, 1);
SKARF.JsArucoArLib.prototype.__drawCorners = function (markers) {
var corners, corner, i, j, leni, lenj;
for (i = 0, leni = markers.length; i < leni; i++) {
corners = markers[i].corners;
this.__context.lineWidth = 2;
this.__context.strokeStyle = "red";
for (j = 0, lenj = corners.length; j < lenj; j++) {
corner = corners[j];
this.__context.moveTo(corner.x, corner.y);
corner = corners[(j + 1) % corners.length];
this.__context.lineTo(corner.x, corner.y);
this.__context.lineWidth = 3;
this.__context.strokeStyle = "green";
this.__context.strokeRect(corners[0].x - 2, corners[0].y - 2, 4, 4);
SKARF.JsArucoArLib.prototype.__drawId = function (markers) {
var corners, corner, x, y, i, len;
this.__context.font = '12pt Calibri';
this.__context.fillStyle = "yellow";
// this.__context.strokeStyle = "black";
// this.__context.lineWidth = 1.0;
for (i = 0, len = markers.length; i < len; i++) {
corners = markers[i].corners;
x = corners[0].x;
y = corners[0].y;
this.__context.fillText(markers[i].id, x, y);
// this.__context.strokeText(markers[i].id, x, y);
* Factory which creates SKARF.Renderer<br/>
* <strong>NOTE: This is meant for internal usage only as the created instance needs some manual variable assignments and initializations before they are usable. These are done internally by a {@linkcode SKARF.Skarf Skarf} instance.</strong>
* @namespace
SKARF.RendererFactory = {
__mappings: {},
* Function to create a SKARF.Renderer instance
* @param {string} type Type of ArLib to create: 'threejs' (only choice available now)
* @param {object} options Options
* @param {THREE.WebGLRenderer} options.renderer Three.js renderer
* @param {THREE.Scene} options.scene Three.js scene
* @param {THREE.Camera} options.camera Three.js camera
* @param {string} options.markersJsonFile Path to a JSON file that specifies markers and models to load
create: function (type, options) {
if (!type) {
throw new Error('SKARF.Renderer type not specified');
if (!this.__mappings.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
throw new Error('SKARF.Renderer of this type has not been registered with SKARF.RendererFactory: ' + type);
var renderer = new this.__mappings[type](options);
return renderer;
* Registers a type string to a class
* @param {string} mappingName Name of the mapping which is used to identify the type when creating instances e.g. 'threejs'
* @param {SKARF.Renderer} mappingClass Renderer class that will be created when the associated type is used
register: function (mappingName, mappingClass) {
if (this.__mappings.hasOwnProperty(mappingName)) {
throw new Error('Mapping name already exists: ' + mappingName);
this.__mappings[mappingName] = mappingClass;
* Abstract class for renderers
* @constructor
* @abstract
SKARF.Renderer = function (options) {
if (typeof options.renderer === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('renderer not specified');
this.__renderer = options.renderer;
if (typeof options.scene === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('scene not specified');
this.__scene = options.scene;
if (typeof options.camera === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('camera not specified');
this.__camera = options.camera;
if (typeof options.markersJsonFile === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('markersJsonFile not specified');
this.__markersJsonFile = options.markersJsonFile;
this.__isWireframeVisible = (typeof options.displayWireframe === 'undefined') ? false : options.displayWireframe;
this.__isLocalAxisVisible = (typeof options.displayLocalAxis === 'undefined') ? false : options.displayLocalAxis;
this.__markerManager = new SKARF.MarkerManager(this.__markersJsonFile);
this.__localAxes = [];
this.__markerTransforms = {};
this.__callbacks = {};
//variables to be assigned by skarf
this.__arLib = null;
this.__backgroundCanvasElem = null;
* Initializes the instance
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.init = function () {
* Adds a callback function that will be called during specific events
* @param {string} type Type of callback: 'render' (only choice available now)
* @param {function} callbackFn Callback function to call
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.addCallback = function (type, callbackFn) {
if (!this.__callbacks.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
this.__callbacks[type] = [];
if (callbackFn) {
if (typeof callbackFn === 'function') {
} else {
throw new Error('Specified callbackFn is not a function');
} else {
throw new Error('Callback function not defined');
* Returns the designated main marker ID
* @return {number} main marker ID
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.getMainMarkerId = function () {
return this.__markerManager.__markerData.mainMarkerId;
* Updates the renderer
* @abstract
* @param {number} dt Time elapsed since previous frame
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.update = function (dt) {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.__setupBackgroundVideo = function () {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.__createTransformForMarker = function (markerId, markerSize) {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
* Shows all children of marker
* @param {number} markerId ID of marker
* @param {boolean} visible Whether to show or hide the children
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.showChildrenOfMarker = function (markerId, visible) {
this.__showChildren(this.__markerTransforms[markerId], visible);
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.__showChildren = function (object3d, visible) {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.loadForMarker = function (markerId, markerTransform, markerSize) {
this.__markerManager.loadForMarker(markerId, markerTransform, markerSize, this.__isWireframeVisible);
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.__setCurrSolvedMatrixValues = function (markerId, matrix) {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.__setMarkerDetected = function (markerId, detected) {
this.__markerTransforms[markerId].detected = detected;
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.__updateSolvedScene = function (dt, mainMarkerId) {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
* Sets visibility of wireframe
* @abstract
* @param {boolean} isVisible Visibility of wireframe
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.setWireframeVisible = function (isVisible) {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
* Sets visibility of local axis
* @abstract
* @param {boolean} isVisible Visibility of local axis
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.setLocalAxisVisible = function (isVisible) {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
* Hides all models that have been loaded
* @abstract
SKARF.Renderer.prototype.hideAllModels = function () {
throw new Error('Abstract method not implemented');
* Renderer class for Three.js<br/>
* <strong>Please do not instantiate this class on your own. Use the {@linkcode SKARF.RendererFactory RendererFactory} instead.</strong>
* @constructor
* @extends {SKARF.Renderer}
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer = function (options) {
// this.__markerTransforms = {};
SKARF.Renderer.call(this, options);
//temp matrix
this.__mainMarkerRootSolvedMatrixInv = new THREE.Matrix4();
//inherit from SKARF.Renderer
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype = Object.create(SKARF.Renderer.prototype);
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype.constructor = SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer;
//register with factory
SKARF.RendererFactory.register('threejs', SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer);
//override methods
* Updates the renderer
* @param {number} dt Time elapsed since previous frame
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype.update = function (dt) {
//mark texture for update
this.__videoTex.needsUpdate = true;
//clear renderer first
this.__renderer.autoClear = false;
//check for the callback of type 'render'
if (this.__callbacks.hasOwnProperty('render')) {
var renderCallbacks = this.__callbacks['render'];
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = renderCallbacks.length; i < len; i++) {
//finally, render actual scene
this.__renderer.render(this.__videoScene, this.__videoCam);
this.__renderer.render(this.__scene, this.__camera);
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype.__showChildren = function (object3d, visible) {
var children = object3d.children;
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
if (!visible) {
//if hide mode, just hide without caring about the type
children[i].visible = visible;
} else {
//if show mode, just show first
children[i].visible = visible;
//if it is an axis, then check also whether it is suppose to be shown
if (children[i] instanceof THREE.AxisHelper) {
children[i].visible = children[i].visible && this.__isLocalAxisVisible;
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype.__setupBackgroundVideo = function () {
//NOTE: must use <canvas> as the texture, not <video>, otherwise there will be a 1-frame lag
this.__videoTex = new THREE.Texture(this.__backgroundCanvasElem);
this.__videoPlane = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(2, 2);
this.__videoMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: this.__videoTex,
depthTest: false,
depthWrite: false
var plane = new THREE.Mesh(this.__videoPlane, this.__videoMaterial);
this.__videoScene = new THREE.Scene();
this.__videoCam = new THREE.Camera();
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype.__createTransformForMarker = function (markerId, markerSize) {
//FIXME: no need to create a transform if this markerId is not in the models JSON file
//create a new Three.js object as marker root
var markerTransform = new THREE.Object3D();
markerTransform.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
markerTransform.currSolvedMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
this.__markerTransforms[markerId] = markerTransform;
// Add the marker root to your scene.
//add a axis helper to see the local axis
var localAxis = new THREE.AxisHelper(markerSize * 2);
localAxis.visible = this.__isLocalAxisVisible;
return markerTransform;
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype.__setCurrSolvedMatrixValues = function (markerId, matrix) {
* Sets visibility of wireframe
* @param {boolean} isVisible Visibility of wireframe
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype.setWireframeVisible = function (isVisible) {
this.__isWireframeVisible = isVisible;
var i, j, leni, lenj, m;
for (i = 0, leni = this.__markerManager.__materials.length; i < leni; i++) {
m = this.__markerManager.__materials[i];
if (m instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial) {
for (j = 0, lenj = m.materials.length; j < lenj; j++) {
m.materials[j].wireframe = isVisible;
} else {
m.wireframe = isVisible;
* Sets visibility of local axis
* @param {boolean} isVisible Visibility of local axis
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype.setLocalAxisVisible = function (isVisible) {
this.__isLocalAxisVisible = isVisible;
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = this.__localAxes.length; i < len; i++) {
this.__localAxes[i].visible = isVisible;
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype.__updateSolvedScene = function (dt, mainMarkerId) {
var mainMarkerIdDetected = this.__markerTransforms[mainMarkerId] && this.__markerTransforms[mainMarkerId].detected;
if (mainMarkerIdDetected) {
//move the camera instead of the marker root
this.__camera.matrix.copy(this.__arLib.__compensationMatrix); //compensate coordinate system and up vector differences
this.__camera.matrix.multiply(this.__mainMarkerRootSolvedMatrixInv.getInverse(this.__markerTransforms[mainMarkerId].currSolvedMatrix)); //multiply inverse of main marker's matrix will force main marker to be at origin and the camera to transform around this world space
this.__camera.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;
//for each of the marker root detected, move into the space of the main marker root
var that = this;
Object.keys(this.__markerTransforms).forEach(function (key) {
if (that.__markerTransforms[key].detected) {
//transform and compensate
that.__markerTransforms[key].matrix.copy(that.__camera.matrix); //transform into new camera world space first
that.__markerTransforms[key].matrix.multiply(that.__markerTransforms[key].currSolvedMatrix); //since currSolvedMatrix is relative to camera space, multiplying by it next will bring this object into world space
that.__markerTransforms[key].matrix.multiply(that.__arLib.__compensationMatrix); //compensate back into the right coordinate system, locally
that.__markerTransforms[key].matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;
//show the object
that.__showChildren(that.__markerTransforms[key], true);
//call detected() on the GUI markers
if (that.__markerTransforms[key].guiMarker) {
that.__markerTransforms[key].guiMarker.detected(dt, that.__markerTransforms[key].matrix);
} else {
//no need to transform
//hide the object
that.__showChildren(that.__markerTransforms[key], false);
//call hidden() on the GUI markers
if (that.__markerTransforms[key].guiMarker) {
* Hides all models that have been loaded
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype.hideAllModels = function () {
var id;
for (id in this.__markerTransforms) {
if (this.__markerTransforms.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
this.__showChildren(this.__markerTransforms[id], false);
* Initializes the camera projection matrix
* @param {Three.Matrix4} camProjMatrixArray Camera projection matrix
SKARF.ThreeJsRenderer.prototype.initCameraProjMatrix = function (camProjMatrixArray) {
* Class which handles different augmented reality libraries
* @constructor
* @param {object} options Options
* @param {string} options.arLibType ArLib type: 'jsartoolkit, 'jsaruco'
* @param {video | img | canvas} options.trackingElem DOM element used for tracking, such as a video, img or canvas
* @param {number} options.markerSize Size of marker in mm, determines scale of scene
* @param {number} [options.verticalFov] Vertical field-of-view of web cam (you will have to estimate this). For JSARToolKit,, if this is not defined, it will use a generic vertical field-of-view which seems to work well for general web cams.
* @param {number} [options.threshold=128] Threshold value for turning tracking stream into a binary image. Ranges from 0 to 255. Used only for JSARToolKit.
* @param {boolean} [options.debug=false] Whether to turn on debug view/mode
* @param {canvas} [options.canvasContainerElem] Div DOM element to append a newly-created tracking canvas to. If not specified, the newly-created canvas will just be appended to the body DOM element.
* @param {string} options.rendererType Renderer type: 'threejs'
* @param {THREE.WebGLRenderer} options.renderer Three.js renderer
* @param {THREE.Scene} options.scene Three.js scene
* @param {THREE.Camera} options.camera Three.js camera
* @param {string} options.markersJsonFile Path to a JSON file that specifies markers and models to load
SKARF.Skarf = function (options) {
//AR lib parameters
if (typeof options.arLibType === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('arLibType not specified');
this.__arLibType = options.arLibType;
if (typeof options.trackingElem === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('trackingElem not specified');
this.__trackingElem = options.trackingElem;
if (typeof options.markerSize === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('markerSize not specified');
this.__markerSize = options.markerSize;
this.__verticalFov = options.verticalFov;
this.__threshold = options.threshold || 128;
this.__debug = typeof options.debug === 'undefined' ? false : options.debug;
this.__canvasContainerElem = options.canvasContainerElem;
//renderer parameters
this.__rendererType = 'threejs'; //only create Three.js instances
if (typeof options.renderer === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('renderer not specified');
this.__threejsRenderer = options.renderer;
if (typeof options.scene === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('scene not specified');
this.__scene = options.scene;
if (typeof options.camera === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('camera not specified');
this.__camera = options.camera;
if (typeof options.markersJsonFile === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('markersJsonFile not specified');
this.__markersJsonFile = options.markersJsonFile;
SKARF.Skarf.prototype.__create2dCanvas = function () {
//create canvas
this.__canvasElem = document.createElement('canvas');
//canvas should be same width/height as the tracking element
this.__canvasElem.width = this.__trackingElem.width;
this.__canvasElem.height = this.__trackingElem.height;
//attach to container if specified, otherwise attach to body
if (this.__canvasContainerElem) {
} else {
//store the 2d context
this.__context = this.__canvasElem.getContext('2d');
SKARF.Skarf.prototype.__init = function () {
//create a 2d canvas for copying data from tracking element
//create renderer instance
this.__renderer = SKARF.RendererFactory.create(this.__rendererType, {
renderer: this.__threejsRenderer,
scene: this.__scene,
camera: this.__camera,
markersJsonFile: this.__markersJsonFile
//create AR lib instance
this.__arLib = SKARF.ArLibFactory.create(this.__arLibType, {
trackingElem: this.__trackingElem,
markerSize: this.__markerSize,
verticalFov: this.__verticalFov,
mainMarkerId: this.__renderer.getMainMarkerId(),
threshold: this.__threshold,
debug: this.__debug
//assign necessary pointers of itself to each other
this.__arLib.__renderer = this.__renderer;
this.__renderer.__arLib = this.__arLib;
//assign the canvas to arLib and renderer
this.__arLib.__canvasElem = this.__canvasElem;
this.__renderer.__backgroundCanvasElem = this.__canvasElem;
//finally call init of both
* Returns the renderer associated with this instance
* @returns {SKARF.Renderer} Renderer
SKARF.Skarf.prototype.getRenderer = function () {
return this.__renderer;
* Returns the AR lib associated with this instance
* @returns {SKARF.ArLib} AR lib
SKARF.Skarf.prototype.getArLib = function () {
return this.__arLib;
* Draws tracking data to canvas, and then updates both the AR lib and renderer
* @param {number} dt Elapsed time since previous frame
SKARF.Skarf.prototype.update = function (dt) {
//draw image from tracking element (video, img, canvas) to the actual canvas meant for tracking
try {
this.__context.drawImage(this.__trackingElem, 0, 0, this.__canvasElem.width, this.__canvasElem.height);
this.__canvasElem.changed = true;
} catch (err) {
if (err.name !== 'NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE') {
throw err;
//call updates
* Adds a callback function that will be called during specific events
* @param {string} type Type of callback: 'render' (only choice available now)
* @param {function} callbackFn Callback function to call
SKARF.Skarf.prototype.addCallback = function (type, callbackFn) {
//pass all callbacks to renderer for now
//TODO: manage callbacks better
this.__renderer.addCallback(type, callbackFn);
* Returns true if the designated main marker has been detected
* @return {bool} True if the designated main marker has been detected
SKARF.Skarf.prototype.mainMarkerDetected = function () {
return this.__arLib.__mainMarkerHasEverBeenDetected;
* Inits camera projection matrix, used only for JSARToolKit.
* This is called automatically during initialization. Call this function only if you need to re-initialize the camera projection matrix again.
SKARF.Skarf.prototype.initCameraProjMatrix = function () {
if (this.__arLib instanceof SKARF.JsArToolKitArLib) {